Neurodivergent Affirming Conversational Skills Activities
This conversational skills social skills unit is perfect for middle schoolers and high schoolers. It is designed for a variety of social language skills and is great for SLPs, special education teachers, behavior therapists, and school counselors. This unit is neurodivergent affirming—students will improve their self-awareness and metalinguistic awareness in areas related to having constructive conversations. Executive functioning skills are naturally embedded into these metacognitive and metalinguistic activities.
This conversational skills social skills unit is perfect for middle schoolers and high schoolers. It is designed for a variety of social language skills and is great for SLPs, special education teachers, behavior therapists, and school counselors. This unit is neurodivergent affirming—students will improve their self-awareness and metalinguistic awareness in areas related to having constructive conversations. Executive functioning skills are naturally embedded into these metacognitive and metalinguistic activities.
This conversational skills social skills unit is perfect for middle schoolers and high schoolers. It is designed for a variety of social language skills and is great for SLPs, special education teachers, behavior therapists, and school counselors. This unit is neurodivergent affirming—students will improve their self-awareness and metalinguistic awareness in areas related to having constructive conversations. Executive functioning skills are naturally embedded into these metacognitive and metalinguistic activities.
What will you get?
This unit covers...
✨ topics
✨ questions and answers
✨ commenting
✨ disagreeing
✨ wants and needs
✨ opinions
Each topic is targeted using sorting/matching cards and story/conversation analysis. These activities will help increase awareness of these linguistic/pragmatic skills and encourage them to perspective take and think critically about conversations and scenarios. These activities are not designed to teach students to mask or to only find the "right" answers. Rather, they are designed to get students thinking! Use the activities as a jumping point for encouraging critical thinking and discussion with your students!
Additionally, you'll receive 30 task cards covering a variety of conversational skills and a worksheet for talking about different topics.
Who can use it?
✨ SLPs (It was designed especially for them!)
✨ Special education teachers
✨ ESL teachers working on social skills
✨ School counselors
✨ Behavior specialists/therapists
✨ Classroom teachers providing remediation
Who will it help?
✨ Students who struggle to stay on topic in conversations
✨ Students who struggle to correspond answers in written information—for example, answering questions correctly based on the main idea or topic of the question
✨ Students who struggle to understand the differences between questions, answers, and comments
✨ Students who struggle to understand the differences between wants, needs, and opinions
✨ Students who struggle to disagree with others constructively
✨ Students with language impairments
✨ Students with reading disorders
✨ Students with specific learning disabilities
✨ Students with ADD/ADHD
✨ Students with Autism
✨ Students learning English as a second language
✨ Students in approximately 6th-12th grade
Why will you love it?
✨ Low prep!
Sorting and task cards are print, cut, and go! Can be printed on cardstock or laminated to reuse again and again.
Everything else is print and go!
Sorting cards are also provided as Boom Decks for a no prep option!
✨ All black and white ink
✨ No fluff—streamlined and efficient
✨ Designed for older students
How will it help you?
Working with older students on social skills can be difficult at times. Convincing students with pragmatic deficits to role-play can be challenging and monitoring spontaneous conversations can be difficult. Not to mention, role-playing social skills can be damaging to neurodivergent students as it teaches them to mask their natural communication styles. This activity set was developed to help students understand and analyze a variety of linguistic and pragmatic skills that form the building blocks of conversations so they'll be better prepared to engage with others in meaningful ways.
What should you look at before you buy?
Check out the thumbnails and preview to get a good idea of what this product includes! You can also check out my blog post about this topic and product here.